Review Questions page 420
4)When it comes to telecommuntig, there seems to be only advantages. For the owrker, it is more comftable working at home, and it gives them more time to spend with their family, becasue they don't have to spend that time commuting. For the management, it also has advantges.The manager sees more productivity adn more work form their employess, because they aren't distracted form the office enviroment. Telecommuting also helps soceity, in the sense tht it helps the enviroment. It lessens drivers commuting to work and therefore lowers pollution frm cars. There don't seem to be too mnay disadvanteges, except that maybe that it doesn't help when workers need to hold meetings to discuss group projects.
5)Managers can use surveilance technology and software to keep an eye on their employees. They can moniter their employees work, productivity etc. They can also keep track on whether their employyess are wroking or surfing the net and wasting time via surveilance software.
6)De skilling is when you take an automated job and make it simpler, involving less skill, such as cashregisters that simply have the names of the items for sale to press, and all the computng is done by the computer. Up skilling is when jobs become more coplicated with the advances of technology. for example, as offices adopt amail sstems, spreadsheets, and so on, it makes secretarial jobs mroe difficult.
7) Electronic sweatshop s a term coined by writer Barbara Grson to describe jobs where people, often minotrities are paid minimum wage to do minless computer work in windoless rooms, with monitered breaks and so on. it has the sort of opressive feel of the sweatshops in the 19th centruty. Corporations like them becasue it allows them to take advantage of minorities, paying them less to get small jobs done. others feel it is opressive and should be stoped or at least guideleines should be set to make it less opressive.
8)As technolog improves, there will be more automated jobs, but there will also be technology that will need a human behind to run it. Education is critical to get students aquainted with new technologies so they can be prepared for the workforce they are being sent to.
9)The industrial age was desinged to prepare studetns for the workforce. It desinged a sort of balnd school system, expecting students to work quietly and absorb facts poured to them by the teacher. With the information age, the goal is the smae, to prapare children for the workforce, but theres more artistic expressiona and the ways of teahcing vary for the needs of different students.
10) A student needs allt he basics, ut they also need to learn about the different technologies arising at out times, so they can be prepared to use them in the jobs they wil probably get in the fututre.
12)Students and teachers use multimeida often in classrooms often nowadays. Multi media is ususally used to create presentations to help teach classes. Thse presentations can be altered and personalized to meet the needs of specific students. Students can be more expressive by presenting twhat they learn through powerpoints vieos, and music theyve synthesized.
13) Distance education can allow students to connect wth other students worwide and explore different cultures or help others. It can also help us access information and resources from around he world.
14) In order to ensure success students need to be allowed to use the technology to enhance their own strenthgs, and they need to have echnolog incorporated into theri classrooms, not just a trip to the lab once week.
15) Home computers are used to assist in homework and work, as well as with day to day tasks, such as communicting cvia e-mail, and looking up any sort of information or tutorial.They can also be used to shop online, find recipes,and so on.
16)Smart cards look like credit ards, but they have a microprocesso r embedded that can keep track of transactions. it is better to protect against identity theft and so on, so it seems to be a smarter alternative to credit cards in the are of online transactions. they are also used as drivers licenses, food stamps, and keys to sensitive info on computers.
17)Technology is makign home interactive more interactive. It allows us to be more involved in games and tv viewing. It also allows us to connect with and play games with other players in different locations.